Our Mission Affirmations

  1. As God’s greatly loved and saved children, we affirm our own need for repentance, recognizing where we have allowed anything but the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be at the center of our life and mission.

We are concerned when we see ourselves more focused on institutional policy and politics rather than on the life-giving Word and Mission of God (Missio Dei) to seek and save the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm the freedom and responsibility of individuals and congregations to carry on the mission of God (Missio Dei) personally, locally and globally.

We are concerned when we see any centralization of institutional power which limits the free flow of the gospel of Jesus Christ to others.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm that the Reformation maxim, “Scripture alone”(sola Scriptura) is crucial to our witness as is the Scriptures message of God’s love and heart for the lost.

We are concerned whenever there is an elevation of traditions and convention resolutions to a level equal to the Word of God or that are devoid of God’s love for the world.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm being called out of the darkness of this sinful world into His marvelous light through the power of the Gospel, a Gospel which also empowers us to be sent into the world, “blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom (we) appear as lights ..., holding fast the word of life ...” Philippians 2:15, 16

We are concerned when an attitude of fear towards the world predominates, and a congregation or organization encourages a “circling of the wagons” to protect itself from the world.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm that the Gospel and all truth revealed in and though the entirety of God’s written Word is not only what is most needed by the world but is also used by the Holy Spirit to help God’s children determine methods of communicating God’s love and truth to all people.

We are concerned when an emphasis on the purity of doctrine is not used to develop methods to share the Gospel but rather is focused internally to ‘purge’ anyone or anything that is different or ‘appears’ false from our midst, as well as to remain separate from those in Christendom who also love Jesus, God’s inspired Word, and all people in our world. 

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm that our identity as Christians is more important than our identity as Lutherans.

We are concerned when we see an isolationist, sectarian emphasis on ‘being Lutheran’, compromising our ability to be an evangelical and confessional voice within the greater church and the world.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm our individual and corporate freedom in practices that are neither commanded nor forbidden in the Scriptures.

We are concerned when our Christian freedom is limited in such matters.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm the various roles of lay men, women, and children­—members of ‘the priesthood of all believers’—as full participants in the life of the church and the mission of God (Missio Dei).

We are concerned when their roles are limited contrary to the Holy Scriptures.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm the joyful responsibility and freedom of pastors and laity to proclaim Christ at every opportunity and in every setting.

We are concerned when institutional limits are placed on the mission of congregations and individuals to carry out the mission of God (Missio Dei).

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm church leadership flowing from the hearts of servants of Jesus Christ.

We are concerned when pastors and other church leaders adopt a domineering style of leadership which appeals to the authority of position or office.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm that the most effective way to address the ongoing decline of the Church’s influence in our communities and world as well as the decline in congregational membership is community witness with a fresh confidence in the Word of God and a bold witness to the Crucified and Risen Christ that is shared and lived.

We are concerned when birth rates, “riding it out,” or the survival of institutions are used as approaches to addressing congregational and denominational decline rather than looking at the power of the Gospel unleashed in our communities and world.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm that every Christian is called and sent by God to love and serve their neighbors in the name of Christ, proclaiming the saving Gospel within their community and world.

We are concerned when some pastors in the church present their calling as more spiritual or significant than that of other servants in the church and neglect the  equipping of the saints and the proclamation of the Gospel to the lost.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm that works of service and evangelistic ministries in our everyday world are crucial aspects of the mission of God (Missio Dei) demonstrating the love of Christ in the world.

We are concerned when “Word and Sacrament” ministry in the worship setting is the only ministry for which some pastors, and even missionaries, take responsibility.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm an avid use of historic orders of worship, rejoicing at the same time in the great diversity of gifts, messengers, cultures, and expressions at work in worship.

We are concerned when only one, uniform style or expression of worship is seen as necessary, essential, or superior. 

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm openness and transparency as standard operating procedure for leaders in the work of the Gospel.

We are concerned whenever there appears to be secrecy in matters of finance, property, and planning.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm collaboration in the body of Christ and look for opportunities for congregations and ministries to work together in humility as servants of Jesus in mission together.

We are concerned when congregations work in isolation, marginalizing themselves from mutually supportive relationships and ministries.

  1. As God’s greatly loved children, we affirm congregations and ministries which befriend sinners, welcoming everyone to hear and believe the gospel, even those who do not look, or act like us.

We are concerned when policies and practices hinder the work of reaching everyone with the Gospel.